Monday, February 11, 2008


Ok, so I have been working really hard on this the last few days---

Filthy lie #1

I have not been working on this much at all. I am not sure where the project is even heade----

Filthy lie #2

Let me sum up the situation. :)

For the past two months I have worked for maybe 2 days on this game? I have found motivation to be at an all-time low, considering I bought a 360 and like 12 games that I really want to play through, combined with FULL TIME WORK, and it pretty much knocks any desire out of me to make games, because god damn I had forgotten how long it takes. x_x So much work to do.

Anyway, part two: this game will be finished. To hell if I don't finish the fucker! If anything, sheer motivation will carry this beast through to the end, just as it did with Gens 1. I just can't guarantee how long that will take. I have been planning Twilight Dawn (my next game... if I complete it) in great detail lately, which is also putting me off working on Gens 2; let's face it, who wants to work on an inferior game when you can plan a better one? Probably plenty o' people, but I'm not one of them.

So as to what I've done lately... ripped off Bleach's character of Szayel-Aporro Granz without realising it (but I'm way too late into the character to change it), did a few more maps on Narryl (this planet is taking fucking FOREVER), started on the space station on Ragdum (those of you who've been with the project since THE VERY BEGINNING will note that the Space Station was the first screenshot I ever made of the game back when I was doing mock-ups for it), and... that's about it, I think. Changed Rikari's sprites around a bit because I was unhappy with them.

For you, readers, who persevere with my ramblings, have a video. The speed is fucking shocking because I am on a shitheap of a computer that is like FRAPS + RM2K3 = SHIT SHIT SHIT MELTDOWN, and ignore the music, too; I changed it a while ago, but changed it back to normal not too long ago.

It is basically showing off the Rahfest system (limit break); this video was done in September, but never really shown on GW, so you can see how old it is for yourself! I've since finished everyone's, and made the effect look nicer in general. It runs pretty much perfectly now, as opposed to the rough stage you see in that video.

If I were to give an estimate, I'd say I'm 70%-80% done with the game, overall. Ragdum has... two "events" left, Rendar four, Jarun four and Narryl... god knows how many. Then there's Kzar, and the inbetween one on Paraman... okay, make it closer to 70%.

Bug K0LE to do some art for me. That'll motivate me to finish this sucker. ;)


1 comment:

Andrew Spittal said...

So help me God, if you're not using that edited space station chip I sent you I'll stab you in the chest.

Hey, the bright side of planning a game called Twilight Dawn means that if we release in close proximity we'll have pretty much the entire night covered (Moonsong+Twilight Dawn=night time, get it ha ha I am so clever).